Analysis Types

Reproduce versus Correct

The purpose of the "Reproduce" analysis is to test the truss's ability to move the actuators so that the mirror surface goes from an undeformed mirror to a mirror that has the same shape it would have if it experience some thermal load. The purpose of the "Correct" case is to test the truss's ability to move the actuators so that the mirror surface goes from a thermally deformed mirror to a undeformed, perfect, corrected mirror. This is also a method for proving the linearity of the system. If the truss can move the mirror from A to B AND from B to A then the system is linear.

Glitch Type

There are two possible glitch types to model uncertainty when moving the actuators. The first, called discrete glitch, is meant to simulate a ratcheting actuator. Each actuator value is rounded to the nearest 100 nanometers. The second, random glitch, is meant to simulate a screw-type actuator. Each actuator is adjusted by a random number within +/- 50 nanometers of the required actuation distance.

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