Process Disection
This section is meant to provide a simple explanation of each subroutine in the sublibrary. Following each description is a list, in italics, of other subroutines called within that subroutine.
- Set_Const - Establishes system constants. Declares arrays to be used at a later time.
- Setup_Materials - Defines material properties for facesheet, actuators, truss, and tripod.
- Setup_Elements - Defines element types to be used for facesheet, actuators, truss, and tripod for both thermal and structural analysis.
- Read_Truss_Info - Reads in keypoints and truss connect points from ner_config.txt file.
- Place_Truss_KP - Sets test case as Surface Parallel Actuators type. Sets keypoints and hardpoints for truss. Meshs mirror surface.
(Set_Const, Setup_Materials, Setup_Elements, Make_Shell, Set_ElemDefs, ptlocate.mac, pldgrid.mac )
- Place_RB_KP - Sets test case as Surface Normal Actuators type. Sets keypoints and hardpoints for surface normal actuators. Meshs mirror surface.
(Set_Const, Setup_Materials, Setup_Elements, Make_Shell, Set_ElemDefs, ptlocate.mac, pldgrid.mac )
- Connect_Truss_Struts - Cycles through truss keypoints (set by Matlab) and creates either an actuator or truss element. Calculates the modulus of elasticity of actuator elements based on pre-set stiffness. Calculated undeformed length of one actuator to be used in POST to calculate actuator deflection.
(Set_ElmDefs, Hex_TriPod_Construct)
- Post_RB_Struts - Constrains "free end" of each Surface Normal Actuator in X and Y directions to simulate rigid backing plate.
- InfluScan - Establishes matrix to store influence coefficients. Recurses through each actuator, applies a pressure to one actuator and calculates the X, Y, and Z displacement of the mirror surface sample points. Then resets all actuators to zero pressure and move on to next actuator.
(Get_DataPoints, Solve_Case, Write_Defl, Clean_Up, Init_Defl_File)
- Res_Scan - This is where most of the post*-processing happens for the Thermal and ANSYS Verification analysis. The X, Y, and Z displacement of the mirror surface is recorded. The forces in each actuator are also recorded. The maximum tensile and compressive forces are calculated. All image captures are done here as well. Actuator force limit check is performed here.
(Get_DataPoints, Write_Defl, Clean_Up)
- Make_Shell - Builds the mirror face sheet (either hexagonal or octagonal).
- Set_ElmDefs - Sets the current material, constants, and element type.
- Solve_Case - Forces ANSYS to standard analysis type. Issues "solve" command.
- F_Spefr_Init - Creates Info String based on mirror parameters.
- FName_Setup - Creates _F1.db file naming structure. Creates .nfo file.
- Write_XY_Loc - Saves the x,y,z coordinates of the undeformed mirror sample points to text file.
- Init_Defl_File - Creates strings containing output file names depending on analysis type and timestamp.
- Write_Defl - Saves all actuator force, actuator displacement, and X, Y, and Z loction of mirror sample points to three seperate text files.
- Get_DataPoints - Records the X, Y position of all mirror sample points (both those that lay on the mirror and those that lay outside the mirror perimeter). Also, counts total number of sample points that lay within the mirror's perimeter.
- Read_Actuator_Values - Reads in text file generated by MATLAB which contains the list of actuator extensions which will either correct or reproduce the mirror surface.
- Set_Actuators - Sets the actuator extensions in accordance with data read in from Read_Actuator_Values.
- Hex_TriPod_Construct - Constructs the triple bipod legs.
- Kill_Matlock - Deletes the "Matlock" file. This file is created in MATLAB and acts as a gate. ANSYS deletes this file as a way of telling MATLAB that it is finished. Once MATLAB calls ANSYS, it will wait until the Matlock file is deleted before continuing with its analsys.
- Clean_Up - Deletes temporary or redundant ANSYS files.
- Reset - Performs a soft restart of ANSYS.
- Unlatch - Removes the file hold on the sublibrary so that it can be modified after an analysis, if neccessary.
Thermal Library
- Apply_Thermal_Profile - Applies the thermal profile to the mirror and truss structure for thermal analysis.
- STT_Setup - Converts structual models to thermal models.
- TTS_Setup - Converts thermal models to structural models.
- Thermal_Solve - Issues "solve" command for Thermal Analysis type. Captures thermal profile image file.
- Control_Thermal_Model - Acts as head function for all Thermal Analysis. Calls all other functions in Thermal Library.
(Apply_Thermal_Profile, STT_Setup, TTS_Setup, Thermal_Solve)
Analysis Library
- RMS_Mirror - Calculates absolute and normalized RMS error or mirror after ANSYS Verification.
External Macros
- pldgrid.mac - Calculates location of and places all sample points on mirror surface.
- ptlocate.mac - Calculates x and y location of sampling points on the mirrors surface after deformation or correction.
- rotncord.mac - Rotates the nodal cordinate system of each mirror nodes connection point.
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