Understanding The Output Files
Human vs. Computer Outputs
Both Matlab and ANSYS output files after each simulation. These files can be broken down into two catagories: those that display information for human interpretation and those that store data and variables to be passed between Matlab and ANSYS. This later set is not meant to be understood by a human user. To better facilitate the basic user, all files listed below which were designed solely to provide output to the human user are starred
Timestamp vs. Info String
Each simulation is indentified in two ways: (1) with the use of a MATLAB generated timestamp which converts the date and time into a completely unique decimal number and (2) by a MATLAB generated string which we call the "info string". This string looks something like this:
This string stores most of the mirror parameters: a number of actuators, t mirror thickness (in millimeters), w mirror diameter (in millimeters), p number of sample points and number of sample points on the mirror surface (See Mirror Sampling Method), and h Truss Drop Down %. Initially files were labeled with the info string. However, due to increased length of file name and non-uniquness, the timestamp method was implemented. The SPA_timestamp.nfo file is the bridge between these two naming conventions.
Structural Analysis Outputs
- ansysgofile.txt - Created by MATLAB, this is an ordered list of sublibrary functions based on GUI settings. This is the file that ANSYS reads as soon as it starts.
- elements.txt - Created in MATLAB, this file contains all the element types of the actuator elements.
- matparams.mac - Created by MATLAB, this stores variable names and numerical values for mirror dimensions and material properties.
- ner_config.txt - Created in MATLAB, stores the number of truss links and truss points.
- nodes.txt - Created in MATLAB, this file contains all the element types of the truss nodes.
outstuff_timestamp.txt - Created by ANSYS, this file is a reproduction of the messages displayed in the Text Output Window of the GUI.
- SPA_timestamp.nfo - Created by MATLAB, this file stores the info string.
- SPA_timestamp_F1.db - This is a standard ANSYS database file which stores the pre-solve geometry and all ANSYS variables.
- SPA_timestamp_F1.emat - Standard ANSYS output file. See ANSYS documentation for more details.
SPA_timestamp_F1.err - This is a standard ANSYS error log. All ANSYS warning messages generated through out the simulation are stored here.
- SPA_timestamp_F1.esav - Standard ANSYS output file. See ANSYS documentation for more details.
- SPA_timestamp_F1.full - Standard ANSYS output file. See ANSYS documentation for more details.
SPA_timestamp_F1.log - This stores nothing. It would store the Text Output Window messages if they weren't redirected to outstuff_timestamp.txt
SPA_timestamp_F1.mntr - Created by ANSYS, this stores the Solution History Information. Since all simulations are performed in a single load step, this file holds no pertinent data.
- SPA_timestamp_F1.rst - ANSYS file storing post-solve structural results.
- SPA_df_info string_F1.txt - This text file stores the x,y,z coordinates of the deformed mirror sample points (THAT FALL ON THE MIRROR SURFACE, See Mirror Sampling Method) of each deformed mirror as a single actuator is moved. Data is stored in a single column and is not intended to be interpreted by human operators.
- SPA_xy_info string.txt - This text file stores the x,y,z coordinates of the undeformed mirror sample points. Thd data is organized in 3 columns and n-squared rows (comma delimited format), where n is the number of "Sample Points Along an Edge" (as set in the GUI).
A note about the F1 format:
ANSYS is set to generate a new database every 20 actuators. The _F1 format is used to organize the output data. So, for example, a simulation on a 159 actuator truss will have 159/20 = 7.95 (rounded up to 8) seperate sets of data from _F1 to _F8.
Thermal Analysis Outputs
- ansysgofile.txt - Created by MATLAB, this is an ordered list of sublibrary functions based on GUI settings. This is the file that ANSYS reads as soon as it starts.
outstuff_timestamp.txt - Created by ANSYS, this file is a reproduction of the messages displayed in the Text Output Window of the GUI.
- SPA_timestamp.db - This is a standard ANSYS database file which stores the pre-solve geometry and all ANSYS variables.
- SPA_timestamp.emat - Standard ANSYS output file. See ANSYS documentation for more details.
SPA_timestamp.err - This is a standard ANSYS error log. All ANSYS warning messages generated through out the simulation are stored here.
- SPA_timestamp.esav - Standard ANSYS output file. See ANSYS documentation for more details.
- SPA_timestamp.full - Standard ANSYS output file. See ANSYS documentation for more details.
SPA_timestamp.log - This stores nothing. It would store the Text Output Window messages if they weren't redirected to outstuff_timestamp.txt
SPA_timestamp.mntr - Created by ANSYS, this stores the Solution History Information. Since all simulations are performed in a single load step, this file holds no pertinent data.
- SPA_timestamp.nfo - Created by MATLAB, this file stores the info string.
- SPA_timestamp.rst - ANSYS file storing post-solve structural results.
- SPA_timestamp.rth - ANSYS file storing post-solve thermal results.
SPA_timestamp_aflc.txt - actuator force-level check. Based on a predetermined maximum axial force, stores pass/fail status of each mirror actuator (excluding bipod actuators). Each row (one for each actuator) hold 5 values: x and y coordinates of each of the two nodes that make up an actuator plus a "0" or "1" corresponding to fail or pass, respectively.
SPA_timestamp_qd_displacement.txt - This file stores no pertinent data. It was used to store elongation experienced by each actuator during the application of a thermal load. This is calculated two different ways (i.e. two columns of data) however, they are not producing the same value. It is assumed, for safety, that both methods are wrong. See "actuator deflection project" in sublibrary.
SPA_timestamp_qd_force.txt - Created in ANSYS, this file stores the axial force (in Newtons) experienced by each truss actuator (excluding bipods). Positive values correspond to tensile forces; negative values correspond to compressive forces. The data is organized into rows (one for each actuator) plus 4 extra values. These last four rows correspond to the following values: (1) the maximum tensile force, (2) the number of actuators within 3% of this maximum tensile force, (3) the maximum compressive force, and (4) the number of actuators within 3% of this maximum compressive force.
- SPA_timestamp_qd_xy.txt - Created in ANSYS, this file stores the x,y,z coordinates of the thermally deformed mirror sample points (THAT FALL ON THE MIRROR SURFACE, See Mirror Sampling Method). Data is stored in a single column: all x values, followed by all y values, followed by all z values. This file is not intended to be interpreted by human operators.
SPA_timestamp000.png - Created in ANSYS, this is an image file of the mirror showing the applied temperature profile as a color gradient. A solid red mirror means that the mirror is at a single temperature.
SPA_timestamp001.png - Created in ANSYS, this is an image file of the mirror truss showing the axial force (in Newtons) in each member as a color gradient.
SPA_timestamp002.png - Created in ANSYS, this is an image file of the mirror truss showing the deformed truss in blue overlaid upon the undeformed truss in black.
SPA_timestamp003.png - Created in ANSYS, this is an image file of the mirror truss showing the deformation (in meters) of each truss node as a vector (direction + magnitude). Magnitude is also represented by color.
SPA_timestamp004.png - Created in ANSYS, this is an image file of the mirror surface showing the deformation (in meters) in the Z direction (out of the page). Magnitude is defined by a color gradient.
- thermparams.mac - Created by MATLAB, this stores numerical values for temperature profiles to be passed to ANSYS.
ANSYS Verification Outputs
- ansysgofile.txt - Created by MATLAB, this is an ordered list of sublibrary functions based on GUI settings. This is the file that ANSYS reads as soon as it starts.
outstuff_timestamp.txt - Created by ANSYS, this file is a reproduction of the messages displayed in the Text Output Window of the GUI.
- SPA_timestamp.db - This is a standard ANSYS database file which stores the pre-solve geometry and all ANSYS variables.
- SPA_timestamp.emat - Standard ANSYS output file. See ANSYS documentation for more details.
SPA_timestamp.err - This is a standard ANSYS error log. All ANSYS warning messages generated through out the simulation are stored here.
- SPA_timestamp.esav - Standard ANSYS output file. See ANSYS documentation for more details.
- SPA_timestamp.full - Standard ANSYS output file. See ANSYS documentation for more details.
SPA_timestamp.log - This stores nothing. It would store the Text Output Window messages if they weren't redirected to outstuff_timestamp.txt
SPA_timestamp.mntr - Created by ANSYS, this stores the Solution History Information. Since all simulations are performed in a single load step, this file holds no pertinent data.
- SPA_timestamp.nfo - Created by MATLAB, this file stores the info string.
- SPA_timestamp.rst - ANSYS file storing post-solve structural results.
- SPA_timestamp_ad.txt - Created in MATLAB, this file stores the neccessary actuator displacments (in meters) to either correct or reproduce the thermal aberration. Values have already taken into account any specified "glitch".
SPA_timestamp_aflc.fig - this is a standard MATLAB figure file showing the actuator force level check. This file is a graphical representation of the SPA_timestamp_aflc.txt file. An outline of the Mirror surface is shown in black; actuators which are within the force limit are shown in blue; actuators which exceed the predetermined force level are shown in red.
SPA_timestamp_aflc.png - Created in MATLAB, this is an image file representation of the SPA_timestamp_aflc.fig file.
SPA_timestamp_aflc.txt - actuator force-level check. Based on a predetermined maximum axial force, stores pass/fail status of each mirror actuator (excluding bipod actuators). Each row (one for each actuator) hold 5 values: x and y coordinates of each of the two nodes that make up an actuator plus a "0" or "1" corresponding to fail or pass, respectively.
SPA_timestamp_bf_displacement.txt - This file stores no pertinent data. It was used to store elongation experienced by each actuator during the application of a thermal load. This is calculated two different ways (i.e. two columns of data) however, they are not producing the same value. It is assumed, for safety, that both methods are wrong. See "actuator deflection project" in sublibrary.
SPA_timestamp_bf_force.txt - Created in ANSYS, this file stores the axial force (in Newtons) experienced by each truss actuator (excluding bipods). Positive values correspond to tensile forces; negative values correspond to compressive forces. The data is organized into rows (one for each actuator) plus 4 extra values. These last four rows correspond to the following values: (1) the maximum tensile force, (2) the number of actuators within 3% of this maximum tensile force, (3) the maximum compressive force, and (4) the number of actuators within 3% of this maximum compressive force.
- SPA_timestamp_bf_xy.txt - Created in ANSYS, this text file stores the x,y,z coordinates of the corrected or reproduced mirror sample points (THAT FALL ON THE MIRROR SURFACE, See Mirror Sampling Method). Data is stored in a single column: all x values, followed by all y values, followed by all z values. This file is not intended to be interpreted by human operators.
SPA_timestamp_RMS.txt - Created in ANSYS, this text file stores 3 values in successive rows: (1) the RMS value, (2) normalized RMS value, and (3) either "correct" or "reproduce" corresponding to analysis type (See Analysis Types).
SPA_timestamp000.png - Created in ANSYS, this is an image file of the mirror truss showing the axial force (in Newtons) in each member as a color gradient.
SPA_timestamp001.png - Created in ANSYS, this is an image file of the mirror truss showing the deformed truss in blue overlaid upon the undeformed truss in black.
SPA_timestamp002.png - Created in ANSYS, this is an image file of the mirror truss showing the deformation (in meters) of each truss node as a vector (direction + magnitude). Magnitude is also represented by color.
SPA_timestamp003.png - Created in ANSYS, this is an image file of the mirror surface showing the deformation (in meters) in the Z direction (out of the page). Magnitude is defined by a color gradient.
SPA_Z21_info string.fig - Created in MATLAB, this is a Zernike reference figure.
- SPA_Z21_info string.mat - This is a standard MATLAB workspace file. It holds all the MATLAB set "handles.xxxxxx" parameters.
SPA_Z21_info string.png - Created in MATLAB, this is an image file representation of the SPA_Z21_info string.fig file.
- SPA_Z21_info string_ic.mat - This is a standard MATLAB workspace file. It holds all the MATLAB set "handles.xxxxxx" parameters plus the influence coefficient matrix "disp_z".
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