Understanding The Output Files

Human vs. Computer Outputs

Both Matlab and ANSYS output files after each simulation. These files can be broken down into two catagories: those that display information for human interpretation and those that store data and variables to be passed between Matlab and ANSYS. This later set is not meant to be understood by a human user. To better facilitate the basic user, all files listed below which were designed solely to provide output to the human user are starred .

Timestamp vs. Info String

Each simulation is indentified in two ways: (1) with the use of a MATLAB generated timestamp which converts the date and time into a completely unique decimal number and (2) by a MATLAB generated string which we call the "info string". This string looks something like this:


This string stores most of the mirror parameters: a number of actuators, t mirror thickness (in millimeters), w mirror diameter (in millimeters), p number of sample points and number of sample points on the mirror surface (See Mirror Sampling Method), and h Truss Drop Down %. Initially files were labeled with the info string. However, due to increased length of file name and non-uniquness, the timestamp method was implemented. The SPA_timestamp.nfo file is the bridge between these two naming conventions.

Structural Analysis Outputs

A note about the F1 format:
ANSYS is set to generate a new database every 20 actuators. The _F1 format is used to organize the output data. So, for example, a simulation on a 159 actuator truss will have 159/20 = 7.95 (rounded up to 8) seperate sets of data from _F1 to _F8.

Thermal Analysis Outputs

ANSYS Verification Outputs

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