
After writing this post, I re-read it and I realized that I sounded like I was up my own ass with self-importance. But I assure you that I don’t have these rules for myself. If it was up to me I wouldn’t talk to most people. I’d build awesome things by myself, for myself. I have these rules so that I can do awesome things with you and for you. Help me help you.

I’m always refining how I communicate with people, and how I ask others to communicate with me. Here’s where I am at the moment:
Continue reading “Communication”

Tethering: Ubuntu 12.04, Android 4.0.4, Nexus S 4g, Sprint: FML

A quick post to document my failures and final success.

Back story:
I’ve been using PDANet on my Windows 7 machine to USB-tether my Nexus S 4g (on Sprint) running Android 2 (then 4) for a year now and its been great. I was 100% pleased with the setup. Unfortunately I just got sick of Windows 7 and decided to switch to Ubuntu 12.04. I’d heard good things and was back on the linux bandwagon.
Continue reading “Tethering: Ubuntu 12.04, Android 4.0.4, Nexus S 4g, Sprint: FML”